Wednesday 27 May 2015

Public training and more cake

The past few weeks have zipped by in a fizz of work excursions and workout DVDs. I have begun my training for Peru in earnest - Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 2-3 times per week, mask training twice a week and a long walk as often as possible.

The first public mask outing 

I took my training mask out in public for the first time a couple of weeks ago, much to the amusement of several of my colleagues. Having decided to get their obligatory gimp jokes out the way early on, I donned the head gear and went out during my lunch break to walk the mile or so up to the local church and back.

I should mention that this same week, I had run out of contact lenses and was wearing glasses to work. Now the issue here is that it's not really practical to wear the training mask with glasses since it sits quite high up the nose. At least it does on my face. So there was nothing for it but to venture out into the Kent countryside without them. Picture, if you will, a slight woman with a mask clamped over her face, vaguely unable to see and breathing like Darth Vader. Have I mentioned what a classy girl I can be?

There is, I have decided, only one way to tackle this situation, and that is to be excessively cheerful about it. In what reality was I ever not going to get weird looks pottering round like this? I have a trip to train for, and goddammit, I am using the latest training technology to prepare. That makes me cool. Yes it does.

Of course the feeling of trendy training quickly wore off when I took the mask off my now slightly sweaty face and unexpectedly noted its resemblance to a codpiece. Yes folks, I am running around with a codpiece ON MY FACE. And I am doing so while defiantly maintaining the cheery.

Cake: Round 3

When I started my new job, the first thing I did was to scope out the possibility of holding a bake sale. I'm delighted to report that cake is as popular here as it was at my previous place, and there are lots of people available to eat it! Consequently I am holding a baking fest this weekend to provide around 50 cake-aholics with delicious sugary treats. The girls in my team have also volunteered their culinary skills, which I'm very pleased about! Watch this space for pictures...

Charity tins are fab

Last week I emptied out my Mind collection tin and paid i
n a whopping £90 from the past few months' fundraising efforts, taking my total to over £1100. And still counting!


Things I have learnt during the writing of this post: Searching 'codpiece' on Google images is a very bad idea.

Image courtesy of Etsy. I don't want to know why Etsy is selling Renaissance codpieces. 

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